I was able to catch the menu selection bug in the act. It doesn’t happen every time — just enough times a day to be annoying. Again, it happens to me only in Sonoma — but on three different machines with two different Magic Mouses.
I’m navigating the menu by holding down my index finger until I get to the item I want. I pull my finger off — and that’s when the pointer jumps to select the item one below.
I’m sure some amount of jiggle is normal — but earlier versions of macOS handled it.
@brentsimmons there is something very wrong there, I wonder if it has some tangential relationship to @siracusa's mouse polling windowserver bug
@stroughtonsmith @brentsimmons More likely it’s related to the old “Carbon” (derived) menu manager being replaced with a “Cocoa” one in Sonoma, right?
@siracusa @stroughtonsmith Is that speculation or is that something that happened?
@brentsimmons @stroughtonsmith I’m pretty sure it’s something that happened, but of course I can’t recall where I read about it.
@siracusa @brentsimmons @stroughtonsmith
this definitely happened, and you can (unless they've removed it since 14.2) revert to the Carbon-based implementation with `defaults write -g NSEnableAppKitMenus -bool false` (reboot or quit the relevant apps)
restore default behavior with `defaults delete -g NSEnableAppKitMenus`
@platkus @siracusa @brentsimmons @stroughtonsmith not sure if it'll work, but setting it in the specific app's domain (defaults write com.the.apps.CFBundleIdentifier) worth a try?
@a @siracusa @brentsimmons @stroughtonsmith
I wasn't hopeful that this was going to work but holy cow it did! This resolves my compatibility issues in Sonoma now.
I added this line to my app when it starts up and it sets the NSEnableAppKitMenus key to FALSE in the app's preferences plist file and the next time the app launches the menus work:
// Disable AppKit Menus
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"NSEnableAppKitMenus"];
@a @siracusa @brentsimmons @stroughtonsmith Good thought. I'll give that a try.