read this please it's cool
took me a couple times to really understand what happened but im not complaining because it means i got to look at it a couple times
@aronia cooking is a zero-sum game for the chef vs. ingredients, i guess
@siguza earlier today (maybe still idk), the xcode 16 additional tools and command line tools links were also broken. no idea if it could be related
@lapcatsoftware i still think it's criminal that the 2015 - 2017 macbook airs didn't get ventura/sonoma
@divbyzero in case you haven't tried it, my absolute favorite thing to do with these is building a "wrinkly" regular n-gon where you start with a ring of like 7 - 15 balls depending on the desired level of wrinkliness. it's a bit tricky to get the requisite 2 balls per ball on the second loop, but more or less the same as making a hexagon afterwards
@shac but if they covered significantly more of the phone in sensors, we'd end up with fingers in every photo
@williamoconnell @molly0xfff libraries don't normally duplicate their books for multiple patrons at once... i love the internet archive, but wasn't the "emergency" unchecked lending in 2020 pretty unambiguously illegal?
that said, it seems wildly unfair that they're being blocked from controlled lending as well...
@xenolon @stroughtonsmith seconded. he's allowed to post about controversial tech, and likewise people are allowed to take issue with it. nobody here is a victim
@spv had it once, only interesting part was it felt like i blinked and woke up instantly vs. sleeping, you can usually "feel" that time has passed. hard to explain but definitely surprised me
oh, to be made of an abstract elastic material that can stretch, bend, and pass through itself, but which cannot be ripped or punctured without destroying me, and which cannot be creased, or bent sharply