@nicolas17 @siguza oh and throw in a .html file between 2 and 4 gb because afaik this will still overflow and segfault wget -r

@simonzerafa @NanoRaptor i think i told someone i enabled Hardware Ray Tracing

@916253 neat, more or less the opposite of what we had then, cool! (i don't have any at-all-decent photos, oops)

@916253 so cool!! was the pink visible to the naked eye? in ottawa, it looked purely green, but some magenta showed up in long exposures, which was confusing lol

marimo boosted

why did we invent a new kind of battery that can burst into flames when punctured or bent and then started GLUING it into everything?

read this please it's cool peow.studio/shop/stages-of-rot

took me a couple times to really understand what happened but im not complaining because it means i got to look at it a couple times

bird flu 

surely this will finally lead to mainstream reckoning with western animal industries as unethical and under-regulated, as covid did with the chinese wildlife trade. we aren't just racist and unwilling to introspect. right?

(i eat eggs and dairy. im not pointing fingers or being smug here)

marimo boosted

@aronia cooking is a zero-sum game for the chef vs. ingredients, i guess

marimo boosted

@siguza earlier today (maybe still idk), the xcode 16 additional tools and command line tools links were also broken. no idea if it could be related

@lapcatsoftware i still think it's criminal that the 2015 - 2017 macbook airs didn't get ventura/sonoma

@divbyzero in case you haven't tried it, my absolute favorite thing to do with these is building a "wrinkly" regular n-gon where you start with a ring of like 7 - 15 balls depending on the desired level of wrinkliness. it's a bit tricky to get the requisite 2 balls per ball on the second loop, but more or less the same as making a hexagon afterwards

@fumnanya @eb idk, he said "not critical to life" so they'd probably keep working until landing?

@shac but if they covered significantly more of the phone in sensors, we'd end up with fingers in every photo

@williamoconnell @molly0xfff libraries don't normally duplicate their books for multiple patrons at once... i love the internet archive, but wasn't the "emergency" unchecked lending in 2020 pretty unambiguously illegal?

that said, it seems wildly unfair that they're being blocked from controlled lending as well...

@Nifflas imo, B is still incredibly overpowered; it's not hard to find someone making bold assertions about whatever difficult scientific/historical/philosophical questions you might want answered, with or without influencing them

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